Novità e approfondimenti

30 October 2018

Energy Consumption Monitoring

Joule is a new tool to invest in the environment and to live in the smart cities of the future. The awareness and the optimization of consumptions today are primary needs for organizations, companies, and people. Joule monitors and manages the energy consumptions of systems, by saving resources and improving the environmental impact. The integrated […]

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30 October 2018

Heat accounting

Heat accounting Thanks to Joule, the electronic heat metering system is active and it allows individual buildings to regulate their comfort temperature independently. It uses three different types of appliances – one located on each radiator of each apartment, one in the stairwell and a control unit equipped with gsm modem located in the building. […]

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30 October 2018

Management systems

Management systems Joule shows a high-level offer, unique in the energy services panorama. Joule can offer a new idea of savings related specifically for buildings but also for semi-detached houses. The management system is the contract for the operation and maintenance of heating systems with a power of 35 kW up, and it includes all […]

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30 October 2018

Requalification system

Requalification system We assist our customers by carrying out feasibility analysis and by proposing specific solutions with the highest relation between costs and benefits. Joule’s technicians communicate with the headquarter through tablet & pc. A unique and revolutionary system that allows them to handle work automatically; but they also remain always in touch with the […]

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24 September 2018


Our Consulting Joule solutions are the last step in a path that is reached only after a careful analysis of the customer’s needs. For this reason, the first step is always a consulting action. it is made either with the potential customer to know the real energetic needs or with the already active customer to […]

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24 September 2018

Convenzioni per gli amministratori

Convenzioni per gli amministratori Agli amministratori di condominio Joule offre convenzioni con un importante istituto bancario che offre ai condomini finanziamenti da 24 a 60 mesi per l’installazione di impianti con condizioni di assoluta facilità, senza specifiche richieste di garanzia e a tassi particolarmente vantaggiosi.

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