Joule's number

  • More than 30 of annual growth between 2016 and 2018
  • Monitoring of cross-brand devices (over 15 brands of sensors used given 2017)
  • Target market: Smart cities, Smart metering, industry 4.0
  • R&D investments in the areas of artificial intelligence, Voice assistants, internet of things and Blockchain

  • 10.600 housing units

  • 70 cities

  • 9 provinces/districts

  • 363 buildings

  • 55.919 point of monitoring

The reached users

The Joule customer base currently consists of about 5 large operators, 10 medium-sized companies, 150 condominium administrators, about 25,000 people living in over 10,600 facilities

Joule deals with digital and technological developments to improve people’s experience, concerning their daily needs by controlling different types of environments and devices. At the moment, Joule monitors 12,380 bedrooms, 10,522 bathrooms, 7,508 stays, 6,747 kitchens, 3,210 studios, and many other room types.

34,7%35,0%24,5%5,8%VareseMilanoTorinoaltre provincie

Buildings monitored for cities

The over 10,600 monitored housing units are distributed in 70 cities, particularly in the provinces of Varese, Milan, and Turin


Joule’s services

  • Installation Of Systems And Devices30%
  • Plant Maintenance 35%
  • Monitoring 15%
  • Consumption Reading 15%
  • Alarm And Sensor Control 5%